Back Issues of Church and Society

A Journal for those interested in Christian Ministry in Asia

Professor Takamitsu Muraoka visited us recently. His public lecture Facing the History of the Nation: The Journey of a Christian Japanese Scholar is now on-line as a CSCA Occasional Paper. See  I added a select bibliography on Japanese occupation in Singapore, and supplied the footnotes. The print form will appear in the December issue of our journal Church and Society in Asia Today.  We are very grateful to Professor Muraoka for his ministry among us, and consent to publish his lecture.

We completed the scanning of all back issues of Church and Society, with one-year delay.  They are on-line at While you drop by the CSCA website, note our new feature item: 'Document of the Month' on historical documents in SE Asia.


Michael Poon

Michael Nai-Chiu Poon, Director
The Centre for the Study of Christianity in Asia
Trinity Theological College
490 Upper Bukit Timah Road
Singapore 678093
Tel: (65) 6761 3627  Fax: (65) 6767 6477